When considering a Private Loan, the lenders character and their business practices really matter. We encourage all our clients to evaluate their lender as much as we evaluate you. The Northwest Private Lending team proudly serves clients in Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. We love to talk through deals, offer suggestions and answer any questions you have. Give us a call or come by for lunch or coffee to discuss your specific lending needs!
Chief Operating Officer
Sr. Loan Originator
Sr. Loan Processor
Director of Operations
Market Strategist
As a People First private money lender, NWPL is committed to giving away 10% of our gross income to charitable organizations who are advancing the Kingdom through the support and empowerment of the vulnerable and the disenfranchised. In all that we do, we seek to be a company that is fair and generous with those around us. We are thankful to partner with the below organizations.